Creating a colour palette

Creating a colour palette

In the previous parts of the guide we have explored so many colours! Now you know what colours make your skin glow, your eyes pop and how you can edit your favourite colours to fit your personal style best. After this preparation it’s finally time to create a colour palette!

Let’s start with the basics. The palette is made out of three different types of colours; neutrals, complementary and statements. 

Neutral colours make up the bulk of most of your outfits. They are the colours that your staples would be in, for most people these are colours like black, white, tan etc. but they can be more bold like a sunny yellow (perfect for Lively girls) or rich purple (very Luxurious). 

Complementary colours are the support of the Neutrals. They are a little more intresting but you could easily create a whole outfit with them. Common colours to use are blue, green, pink and red. This is also a category place to put your eye-popping and blush colours.

Statement colours, well, make a statement! They are loud and best to be used sparingly in daily wear but for special occasions can be used as the main colour for an outfit! 


The number of colours you pick per category doesn’t matter too much, but to keep your closet neat and organized, I would stay with 5 or less per category. 

A clean and classic palette for a neutral undertone. This Refined woman’s minimalistic neutrals get their mood by either adding a romantic berry or a cool and professional blue. The statements are used by her as ‘party colours’ for a night out.

A misty and soft palette for an Ethereal woman. These pinks are a neutral for her, because she loves adding a touch of feminity to her every day outfits and it fits her undertone! Her complementaries are also worn very often as complete outfits. The statements are used for accessories, like shoes and bags.

This warm, Expressive palette has very bright neutrals! The complementaries are also really bold, with some warm colours and some deep greens which gives her outfits a jungle feel. The statement colours almost clash with the other categories and she likes to use these in patterns. Like a yellow top with a pink flower.

Having a palette doesn’t mean you can NEVER add colours that aren’t in this palette. Maybe you see a pair of pants that are perfect in your eyes but they aren’t in a colour that is in your palette. Just compare it to your existing palette and see if it would fit with at least your neutrals, preferably also a majority of your complimentary colours.