Hairstyles for the different IDs

This doesn’t mean you can not wear any other type of hairstyle! This is just about what is most in harmony with the shapes of your face and body, not hard rules. Personal style is still the most important thing.


The soft and alluring image of the Romantic is best honoured with keeping a wispy and light feel to the hair, but without losing volume or rounded shapes.

Type 1 hair, straight: 

If you have straight hair, you would need to put some effort into getting the rounded shapes of the Romantic. This is especially hard for type 1a girls, whose hair doesn’t hold curl at all. My advice for these girls is to either go all in and get a soft, large curl perm (they don’t look like they did in the 80s anymore, don’t worry!) or get a layered wispy haircut and blow dry it after you shower.

Type 2 hair, wavy:

Wavy hair is quite easy for Romantic girls to work with. To keep those larger rounded shapes, it’s best to keep it slightly shorter, so the curl is less stretched out and those rounded shapes are more apparent.

Type 3 hair, curly:

Curly hair, you can basically do whatever you want! Because your curl really holds it’s shape, you can go long or short. The only thing you need to be a little cautious off is that you don’t get drowned out by your hair. 

Type 4 hair, kinky:

Kinky hair is great for Romantics because it’s very easy to get those rounded shapes. Also, have layers cut into your hair, so it has a more wispy feel.


Delicate Romantic and Delicate Dramatic

The very light and airy image of both the Delicate Dramatic and Delicate Romantic look best in hair that reflects this lightness. 

Type 1 hair, straight: 

Straight hair can be great on both the Delicate girls, if it’s not too thick. Too much hair can make them look a little drowned out. So, if your hair is on the thicker side, get soft layers and keep it shoulder-length or longer. Thicker hair cut around chin-length or ear-length can swallow you a bit. Going shorter is definitely a possibility! Pixies are also very cute on both the DR and DD, if you love short hair!

Type 2 hair, wavy:

Wavy hair will always have quite a lot of body, which does risk you being drowned out if you like your hair long. The cutest solution for this is to get into half-up, half-down hairstyles! Getting layers to keep a more wispy feel also looks beautiful! I would be careful with going for hair between shoulder-length and ear-length, to not have the bulk of your hair be beside your face. Pixies are also for this texture a great option!

Type 3 and 4 hair, curly and kinky:

For both curly and kinky hair I would recommend keeping the cut really short with most of the volume at eye level or higher. Having long flowing locks with the natural volume of curls, can really take away from your small and elegant facial features. And your curls are generally tighter when its short, which beautifully mirrors the small shapes in your face!


Theatrical Romantic and Soft Dramatic

Both these IDs are very versatile because of their mix of both Lush and Sharp elements. You can play up one or the other with the different hair textures!


Type 1 hair, straight:

Because of the Theatrical Romantics sharp undercurrent, sleek hair is a really great option for them! You can go long or short but your pin straight hair can look absolutely beautiful with that sharp undercurrent.

Type 2 hair, wavy:

Waves can be styled in many different ways for these two IDs. You can go short so you get more of the lusher, rounded shapes or longer to get a blend of the more sleek around the face with some softness at the ends. Girls with wavy hair do need to be a little cautious, because of their sharpness messy looks will look unkempt instead of effortless. 

Type 3 hair, curly:

For curly hair, I think it’s most beautiful to really emphasize the Lushness in their features with their curls. If you go for a slightly shorter hairstyle, your curls will really give this appearance! But, just like with wavy hair, be careful that your curls aren’t too messy! Setting curls is the perfect solution for this. 

Type 4 hair, kinky:

For kinky hair, you really can go two ways. Going the more Romantic route, adding layers and softness to your hair or the Dramatic route and go VERY geometric. Both these hairstyles can look great on both the TR and SD. TRs might get a bit drowned out by hair that is too big, so watch out for that.

Soft Gamine

Soft Gamine’s have this high energy feel to them, everything about them is almost in an upwards motion, so keep this momentum going by also adding this to your hairstyle!

Type 1 hair, straight:

The easiest way to get plenty of buoyancy in straight hair is simple, lots of layers! I also would advise to have hair be around shoulder-length and not much longer, it can drag you down. If you are really attached to your long locks, look at half-up, half-down hairstyles. Shorter is of course also very much possible, as long as it has that same springy feel.

Type 2 hair, wavy:

Wavy hair has this springy feel naturally, For waves to keep this springiness, it’s best to keep hair a little shorter. Chin length or shorter is best.

Type 3 hair, curly:

Curls will always have a high energy feel to them, but as SGs have a quite small presence, going too big with your hair can drown them out slightly. Pixies are great, but you can go until chin length. 

Type 4 hair, kinky:

Kinky hair is great because it’s very easy to create upward movement! Keeping the most visual volume at eye level or above, is perfect for the Soft Gamine! But, just like with type 3 hair, be careful to not get overwhelmed with shapes that are too big.


Gamine’s have an incredibly light and airy feel to them, but with a slight edge, from their sharp undercurrent. Creating a hairstyle that has both this lightness and boldness together is perfect for them.


Type 1 hair, straight:

Bobs, pixies and long sleek hairstyles are things that look great on the Gamine with straight hair. Asymmetry and blunt cuts can really work beautiful with the Gamine’s interesting image. 

Type 2 hair, wavy:

For wavy hair, I would recommend keeping it on the shorter side. Simply because it’s easier to keep the hair from being too messy. Blunt cuts work great with the sharpness of the Gamine. Pixies are also a good option!

Type 3 and 4 hair, curly and kinky:

Big curly hair can make the Gamine look lost. The small sharpness needs a more subdued hairdo. Pixies are amazing on Gamine’s. Playing with asymmetry can also be a really gorgeous!

Flamboyant Gamine

Even though the Flamboyant Gamine is quite compact, she has a strong and bold image. This can be beautifully mirrored in blunt haircuts and slightly larger shapes!


Type 1 hair, straight:

Blunt bobs are one of my favourite haircuts on FGs with type 1 hair, whether they are chin-length, shoulder-length or ear-length. You can go longer with hair, but it does risk losing a connection with your blunt undercurrent. Going for a pixie would need styling products to still have these larger shapes in your hair.

Type 2 hair, wavy:

Volume is great on FGs, to get the best out of wavy hair, keeping it shorter is the way to go. Giving you the tightest curl. You can go for blunt bobs or an effortless pixie!

Type 3 hair, curly:

The natural volume of curly hair is great for the FG, I do recommend keeping it on the shorter side as very big hair can lose the connection to the compact Bluntness of your body. Going for straight cuts, asymmetric or pixies is great on FGs.

Type 4 hair, kinky:

The ability to create big geometric shapes with kinky hair is so cool for FGs! Wearing it natural you can really go a lot of ways, but keep it crisp! Another warning,  going too big might be slightly overwhelming on the compact FG.

Theatrical Classic, Dramatic Classic and Classic

The biggest need for our balanced but sharpened Classics is an exact hairdo. Sleek, narrow and elegant, just like the Classics themselves. 

For you pure Classics out there, both these tips and the tips for the Soft Classics can work great on you!


Type 1 hair, straight:

You can really go a lot of ways with straight hair. Long and sleek, short bobs, sleek pixies. For sanities’ sake I would recommend going shoulder-length or shorter. It’s just easier to keep shorter hair clean and crisp. 

Type 2 hair, wavy:

The best version for wavy hair for the sharpened Classics is a perfectly set finger wave. But that is not really doable on a daily basis for most women. I do recommend going slightly longer, so the hair around your face would have a more sleek look, and what happens around your face is most important for Classics. Up-does are also always a great option!

Type 3 and 4 hair, curly and kinky:

Unfortunately, the big hair of curly ladies doesn’t really fit with the even and subdued image of the Classics. I’m going to repeat my disclaimer here: THIS DOESN’T MEAN YOU CAN’T HAVE YOUR WILD MANES, juxtaposition can be awesome for some! But, if you do want to keep an even and harmonious image, short hair is a great option. Short hair can be styled much more exactly. Putting your hair up is also a good solution, buns, braids, twist outs. These are all good options to get that sleek and narrow silhouette.

Soft Classic and Classic

Balanced and elegant but a little more casual than their Sharp sisters. The Soft Classics need a little more softness to get a look that fits them best.


Type 1 hair, straight:

Getting a soft, slightly wind blown look is great for Soft Classics. Soft layering and long curtain bangs on longer hair is a beautiful look. You can go shorter but to keep the connection with your Lush under current, make sure it still has some larger round shapes, not being sleek or sharp.

Type 2 hair, wavy:

The emphasize the rounded shapes in your body, having shorter hair doest that by making your curls stand out more! You can also go a longer style and get soft layers cut in, just like the Soft Classics with straight hair.

Type 3 and 4 hair, curly and kinky:

Just like the sharper Classics, Soft Classics can look overwhelmed by huge hair. And just like the sharper Classics the best way to overcome being overwhelmed is going shorter. But, the Soft Classics need more movement in their hair, it doesn’t have to be very precise it can be a little more relaxed in feel. Up does and protective hairstyles are also a great option for the curly Soft Classics.

Soft Natural and Extravagant Natural

Soft but with a strong undertone, the Soft Natural and Extravagant Natural need a little effortless glam in their haircuts to truly shine!


Type 1 hair, straight:

Both ENs and SNs look their best with voluminous and big hair. This is slightly annoying if you have very fine hair as one of these types. In this case, you can go for a more wispy look, with flowing layers. Look at the Romantic hairstyles for more inspo!

If you do have voluminous hair naturally, keep hair between chin and shoulder-length, so it doesn’t get pulled down too much, en get subtle layers for movement. 

Short hair is also of course a possibility, but keep it voluminous and rounded with styling.

Type 2 and 3 hair, wavy and curly:

Wavy and curly hair is amazing for these IDs. It’s slightly messy and has tons of natural mass. You can go shorter, to emphasize those rounded shapes, or longer for a more effortless beachy look.

Type 4 hair, kinky:

The large shapes of natural kinky hair is also something that is great for both the SN and EN! The only thing that I would advise, is to get some layering cut into your hair, to give it a more soft appearance. 

Natural and Flamboyant Natural

Our bold and beautiful Naturals, they need hair that reflect this effortless beauty that comes with their blunt shapes.

This is going to be very quick, for every hair type it’s the same. Long, layered and full, with tons of movement. Of course, you can go shorter, this is easy for wavy, curly and kinky hair. It will be a little more high maintenance for straight hair, to get that full-bodied effect for your hair every morning.


Dramatics need hair that is just as striking and sharp as they are.

Type 1 hair, straight:

Straight hair is great for Dramatic girls, Whether short long, mid length. It doesn’t really matter. As long as the overall look is sleek and sharp.

Type 2 hair, wavy:

Wavy hair can quite easily look messy on the Dramatic. So, stay with blunt cuts without layers. Adding that sharpness to the way your hair is cut connects your hair with the shapes of your body. Hair length doesn’t matter too much. Short hair can be more precisely styled, but long hair gives a more sleek appearance around the face, both are great options! 

Type 3 hair, curly:

Even though the Dramatic is one of the IDs with the largest presence, the effortless and full-bodied look of curls can make them look a little lost. Keeping a pixie with a slightly angular or asymmetric cut harmonizes better with the sharpness of the Dramatic than long manes.

Type 4 hair, kinky:

The big shapes of naturally kinky hair are great for Dramatics. Whether you keep your hair short or long, the compact curls of your hair gives a sharp appearance. I love the hairstyle of the girl in the example picture, having your hair taught on your scalp leading into a ponytail that is this big shape. Do be careful that your hair doesn’t get too much of an effortless feel, it needs preciseness for your hair to be truly harmonious.

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