The Theatrical Romantic compared to other IDs

Theatrical Romantic vs Romantic

The Romantic and Theatrical Romantic are very similar. It can be really hard to distinguish between the two, especially in the body. The Theatrical Romantic will have some small rectangular and triangular shapes in her body, these won’t exist in the Romantics body. Another good pointer is if you have obvious sharp bone structure in your face you are most like a Theatrical Romantic. 


Theatrical Romantic vs Delicate Romantic

The Delicate and Theatrical Romantic are two of the smallest IDs out there. Both have a small physical presence but that is where the similarities end. The Theatrical Romantic has obvious large circular shapes which is something the Delicate Romantic does not have. This is especially apparent in the facial features. 


Theatrical Romantic vs Soft Gamine 

Another two types that are often confused but have drastically different shapes. Both are small and lush but the SG has no sharpness anywhere while the TR is very sharp.


Theatrical Romantic vs Theatrical Classic

The difference between this pair is subtle. Both have quite a few of small sharp shapes in their body but one is mostly balanced and the other is mostly rounded. Facial features are also good to look at, the Theatrical Romantic has a much lusher face with larger eyes and fuller lips.


Theatrical Romantic vs Soft Natural

On paper these two are almost the same. A Romantic with either more sharpness or more bluntness, but they look very different in practice! Apart from the very different shapes, the Soft Natural is more substantial than the Theatrical Romantic, TRs are a little lighter in feel.


Theatrical Romantic vs Soft Dramatic

Soft Dramatics are always seen as a sized up Theatrical Romantic, and that is pretty much true… TRs are petite with small sharpness where SDs are elongated with large sharp shapes. The main difference is physical presence, and not much more.

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